We had a lovely day yesterday on the farm with visitors coming to see what we are doing. Some great questions and interaction and the ability to chat to our advisory panel of Paul McKenzie, Dom Papaluca and Sarah Lang. This time next year, it will hopefully be another great field day and will be the first year we should have been running at the full stocking rate, and fertilising accordingly - trying to find what the limit is and then go beyond.
We are currently at 54 DSE/ha and rising with new lambs on the ground due to end yesterday (Fri 27th Oct), and rams going back into the ewes on Monday to drop the next batch of lambs in late March 2024.
Below are some photos of the field day, and then some photos showing before and after that are 12 months apart. The farm has come a long way and hopefully is about to hit top gear in the next 12 months. I look forward to finding out what is possible, and when we do, how much further we can go. There is always room for improvement.

Now to some before and after photos. The before ones are taken in August/September 2018 when we got possession of the farm. Then there are the "after" photos that are taken August/September 2019, except for Alpha corner where the after photo is taken today.
