My apologies for my tardiness in updating everyone about what has been happening on Caluka Farms. It has been a very busy time, but let's start with some photos and then I will write more detail in subsequent blogs.
The photos below were taken today (6th July 2020). Explanations are in each photo. We have three mobs of sheep - weaner lambs, mixed aged ewes in-lamb with some late born lambs at foot (about to be weaned this week), and maiden ewes about to drop lambs. As I will explain in a separate blog, we had a big clean out of old ewes, and any ewe that was dry, too wooly, and was at the bottom end of defective. All the ewes left are in-lamb, except for the weaner ewe lambs and ~400 one year old ewes that were put in with rams for a second chance at getting into lamb. Those are a month away from being scanned.